CREASSE is addressed at increasing the socio-labour participation of adults at risk of exclusion due to the socio-economic difficulties by fostering their creativity and participation through inclusive training and education in order to develop Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) activities as a transformational force that can drive a systemic and positive change in rural areas.

CREASSE will support forward-looking ideas based on key EU priorities that have the potential to integrate and contribute to the welfare of communities, in which the different actors of the SSE have a fundamental role, as they are the references for future aspiring collective entrepreneurs.

Development of collective initiatives

To encourage the development of collective initiatives as an opportunity to promote the socio-labour inclusion of adults at risk of social exclusion.

create jobs in rural areas

To raise awareness of the advantages and benefits of the SSE in order to foster social investment, support SSE actors and social enterprises to start-up, scale-up, innovate and create jobs in rural areas.

Development of communities

To actively involve the SSE ecosystem to boost the dynamism and development of communities at local, regional and European level.

tools and competencies

To equip guidance and adult learning professionals with tools and competencies for effective follow-up during the process of collective entrepreneurship from a collaborative and inclusive approach.

empower people at risk

To empower people at risk of social exclusion for the development of collective initiatives that promote their employability linked to the effective management of collaborative enterprises.